Consumer Insights Help To Increase Sales!
Consumer insight - Interpret your product raw data
and consumer behavior info
Business can be operating in a more efficient way through our product data.
Know what you should know and what your product can tell you.
Access real time and accurate information from the billions of products items you produce and sell.
We Believe You Can Know More
You have the right to know more about your business than from manual reporting. How does your product manufacturer info track where your product goes and who is buying them? You have the right to access real time and actionable data. It is reflected in the system to you rather than you being told. Access consumer feedback, follow up and build relationships with them. Communicating in between to run your business more effectively.
You deserve to know more about.
Proven Method To Capture Data
A proven method to capture product data and consumer behavior. Implemented into 200 customers at S.E.A. inclusive FMCG, agriculture, pharmaceutical, health and beauty, automotive, electronic & engineering products, sports and lifestyles more than 1000 products with good feedback.
Consumer Insight Cloud™ Is For Your Industry
Many potential usage could be used at some of the industry:
Health & Beauty
Watch how the beauty industry fights the counterfeit and track their product sales.
Sports & Lifestyles
Watch how the data helps to target the right audience.
Pet Food Industry
Watch how the consumer can easily authenticate products.
Digitise Your Product, Give Them An QR Identity
We help to digitise your product, bring them to life on the web. Giving them a unique QR Identity in Consumer Insight Cloud ™. This unique QR ID makes everything under your roof trackable, identifiable and interactive.
These QR Identity can apply into our security label, tamper evident label, smart packaging even RFID tag.
Transparency and Visibility
We help to drive manufacturing, supply chain, brand engagement all from this QR identity. Leverage your product, collecting the data through out the entire product life cycle. From Factory to Consumer.